AmphetaDesk + AmphetaOutlines
AmphetaDesk + AmphetaOutlines is my new favorite web thingy. Amphetadesk is a RSS Aggregator that makes it easier to keep up with web logs as they change. AmphetaOutlines adds some features to AmphetaDesk that actually make it useful. The most important feature it adds is that it reduces the items shown by hiding old items. The AmphetaDesk Original shows all of the articles currently published for a web log. AmphetaOutlines uses some data to roll the older ones up in an outline form to get them out of the way. Without this feature it is almost easier to visit each of the web logs from a blog roll than to read them in the aggregator. The outline format with old items hidden makes it much easier to scan for items new since the last time the web log was read. It is not perfect, but it is better.
Imported from a really old blog. Some links might be dead. Let me know if you find dead links.