
Woot! had a woot-off1 the past couple of days. I gots some pretty good deals.

Nike Sport Kit Carrying Case for MP3 Players 2 Pack Condition: New30.995.007.97
Nike AC1126 Sport Armband for iPod Nano Condition: New
1 Dane-Elec 2 Gigabyte Secure Digital Memory Card Condition: New35.995.0022.97
Screaming Monkey with Pink or Blue Woot Cape Condition: Screaming 31.995.0010.97
Total 26.9420.0046.94

Then I blew the cheap shopping when I left woot for Subterranean Press and noticed a John Scalzi work that was missing from my collection. Damn that Wheaton fellow for introducing me to this man’s writing. I have never been much of a collector, but something sparked my mild OCD-ish nature into focusing on Scalzi and Wheaton works. Well, at least they are books instead of bottle caps or empty Coca-Cola bottles from across the ages.

This is what happens when the wife goes away for the weekend and forgets to take all the magic plastic with her.

  •   Amazon bought Woot. I am leaving the original links, but they might not work.

Imported from an old blog. Some links might be dead. Let me know if you find dead links.(Fixed some of the dead links)