They Forgot Some Factors in the Calculation

It would take 33 bottles of McMenamins Dry Irish Stout to kill me

(Image the dead link that used to be here to an article saying something like the above.)

By the time I had finished the second bottle I would be very nearly asleep and unable to hoist any more. I would be soundly snoring by the end of the three hour drinking period used in the calculations. The next morning I would have, not just a hangover, but a raging migraine that would almost certainly turn to a level 7 puke fest by noon. I would most likely aspirate a gob and die during one of the porcelain-god prayer sessions.

It clearly would only take two beers to kill me.

Note that I used that stout because the site did not list Mackeson’s Triple Stout as an option. If I am going to uncork my head by uncorking a brew, it well better be my favored stout.

Imported from an old blog. Some links might be dead. Let me know if you find dead links.(Dead link removed)